4 Types of Past Tense for Class 7 Uses Examples Worksheets

The Past Tense for Class 7 Uses Examples Worksheets

The Past Tense for Class 7 examples worksheets are all about a learning guide for past tenses especially for Class 7 students. This article delves into the uses, examples, and worksheets of Past Tense for Class 7 designed to help young learners grasp the different types of past tenses effectively.

Contents show

4 Types of Past Tense for Class 7

The past tense in English describes actions or states that occurred in the past. 4 Types of Past Tense for class 7 are classified as the –

  1. Simple Past: Described completed actions, specific events, and sequences (e.g., “She walked to school yesterday”).
  2. Past Continuous: Indicated actions that were happening at a specific moment in the past or temporary situations (e.g., “He was studying for his exams”).
  3. Past Perfect: Described actions that occurred before another action in the past and were relevant then (e.g., “She had finished her homework before dinner”).
  4. Past Perfect Continuous: Referred to actions that began in the past and continued up to a certain point in the past (e.g., “They had been playing for two hours before it started to rain”).

A. Simple Past Tense

The simple past tense describes an action that was completed in the past. It is used for events that occurred at a specific time in the past.

We use the simple past tense to talk about

1. finished actions and events which were completed at a specific time in the past.

For example,

2. for finished actions and situations that happened very long ago but are connected to the present with a specified time reference.

For example,

3. repeated actions or past habits and routines.

For example,

4. actions that started in the past, continued for some duration, and stopped in the past.

For example,

Remember: Time expressions used with simple past are- yesterday, last week, then, just now, when, in (year).

5. past habits or states that are now finished. We can also use ‘used to’ here.

For example,

Structure of Simple Past Tense

I ate.I did not eat.Did I eat?
You ate.You did not eat.Did you eat?
He ate.He did not eat.Did he eat?
She ate.She did not eat.Did she eat?
It ate.It did not eat.Did it eat?
We ate.We did not eatDid we eat?
They ate.They did not eat.Did they eat?

Past Tense for Class 7 Comparison: Simple Past Tense and Present Perfect Tense

  1. Both the simple past tense and the present perfect tense describe actions completed in the past.
  2. The simple past tense describes an action that was completed in the past and is not connected with the present.
  3. The present perfect tense describes actions that, although completed in the past, have an effect on the present.

For example,

B. Past Continuous Tense

The past continuous tense describes an action that was ongoing at a specific time in the past. It often sets the scene for another action.

We use the past continuous tense to talk about

1. an unfinished action that was interrupted by another action.

For example,

2. actions that lasted for a while.

For example,

3. the background in a story.

For example,

4. actions that were happening again and again.

For example,

5. two actions that were happening at the same time.

For example,

6. an action that was in progress at a stated time in the past. We don’t know when the action started or finished.

For example,

Remember: Time expressions used with past continuous tense include while, when, as, the moment that.

Structure of Past Continuous Tense

I was speaking.I was not speaking.Was I speaking?
You were speaking.You were not speaking.Were you speaking?
He was speaking.He was not speaking.Was he speaking?
She was speaking.She was not speaking.Was she speaking?
It was speaking.It was not speaking.Was it speaking?
We were speaking.We were not speaking.Were we speaking?
They were speaking.They were not speaking.Were they speaking?

C. Past Perfect Tense

The past perfect tense describes an action that was completed before another action in the past. It shows the sequence of events.

We use the past perfect tense to talk about

1. an action that happened before another action in the past.

For example,

2. imaginary things in the past.

For example,

Note: Past perfect is the same as present perfect in the past context.

For example,

3. an action that finished in the past and whose result was visible in the past.

For example,

Remember: Time expressions used with the past perfect tense are for, since, already, after, just, never, yet, before, by, by the time.

Structure of Past Perfect Tense

I had finished.I had not finished.Had I finished?
You had finished.You had not finished.Had you finished?
He had finished.He had not finished.Had he finished?
She had finished.She had not finished.Had she finished?
It had finished.It had not finished.Had it finished?
We had finished.We had not finished.Had we finished?
They had finished.They had not finished.Had they finished?

Past Tense for Class 7 Comparison: Past Simple and Past Perfect

  1. Both the past simple and past perfect tenses are used to talk about things that happened in the past.
  2. The past perfect tense is used to describe an action that happened before another action in the past.
  3. The action that happened after the action described in the past perfect tense is expressed in the past simple tense.

For example,

D. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

The past perfect continuous tense describes an action that started in the past and continued up to another point in the past. It emphasizes the duration of the action.

We use the past perfect continuous tense to

1. talk about an action that started at a definite time in the past and continued up to that point and was in progress at that moment or had very recently finished.

For example,

Structure of Past Perfect Continuous Tense

I had been singing.I had not been singing.Had I been singing?
You had been singing.You had not been singing.Had you been singing?
He had been singing.He had not been singing.Had he been singing?
She had been singingShe had not been singing.Had she been singing?
It had been singing.It had not been singing.Had it been singing?
We had been singing.We had not been singing.Had we been singing?
They had been singing.They had not been singing.Had they been singing?

Use of Since and For

  1. Since and for are used with the perfect continuous tenses.
  2. Since is used to talk about the point of time at (which an action began.) (The action continues till the moment of speaking.)

For is used to talk about the period of time (duration of an action).

Since = point of time at (which an action began but no ending mentioned.)

For = period of time (duration of an action, mentioned the starting and ending point).

For example,

Used to‘ is used to talk about something that happened often in the past but does not

For example,

Past Tense for Class 7 Worksheets

Class 7 Past Tense Worksheets provide exercises to practice and master the four types of past tenses: simple past, past continuous, past perfect, and past perfect continuous. These worksheets include fill-in-the-blanks, sentence formation, and sequencing activities to reinforce understanding.

Past Tense for Class 7 Worksheet 1:

A. Correct these sentences.

1. I goed to the mall after school.

2. My brother seen a bear at the zoo yesterday.

3. Do Mahesh visit his grandmother last night?

4. Atul did not worked last weekend.

5. Was Jaya and Lata at the meeting?

6. The film did not had a happy ending.

7. Are you see Sania’s new dog yesterday?

8. Sorry, I wasn’t hear you.

9. I studying English for two years.

10. What do you have for lunch yesterday?

11. The nurse speaked to the patient softly.

12. He write three novels but none of them win an award.

Past Tense for Class 7 Worksheet 2:

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct past tense form of the verbs in the brackets.

1. It ………… (be) fantastic.

2. It ………… (not, rain) a lot.

3. Kaira and Samaira ………… (not, help) me.

4. We ………… (visit) the zoo last Saturday.

5. I ………… (do) my homework yesterday.

6. The weather ………… (be) fine yesterday.

7. Last year, I ………… (go) for a holiday to England.

8. I visited ………… (visit) lots of interesting places last

9. We ………… (see) a beautiful rainbow after the rain.

10. Where ………… (you, spend) your last holiday?

11. Who ………… (teach) you English in Class VI?

12. ………… you ………… (talk) to your aunt last week?

Past Tense for Class 7 Worksheet 3:

C. Complete the table.

1. Did he sing a song?
2. Nancy did not watch Television.
3. The students were clever.
4. Did Priya tidy her rooms?
5. I did not miss the bus.
6. She read a book.
7. Did you buy sandwiches?
8. He did not sell his car.
9. Did it rain yesterday?
10. We did not meet them.

Worksheet 4:

D. Fill in the blanks with the simple past or the present perfect form of the verbs given in the brackets.

2. My great great-grandfather …………… (have) three dogs and six birds as pets.

3. Oh no! I …………… (drop) the vase.

4. This weekend, my friends and I …………… (play) chess and …………… (go) to watch the football match.

5. A year back, Reena and Karen …………… (have) a fight. They …………… (speak) to each other since then.

6. Hurrah! We …………… (win) the match.

7. King Krishnadevaraya …………… (have) the wise Tenali Rama in his court.

Worksheet 5:

E. Fill in the blanks with the past continuous form of the verbs given in the brackets.

1. ………. (you, study) when she called?

2. We ………. (cycle) all day yesterday.

3. Last night at 8:00 p.m., I ………. (have) dinner.

4. What ………. (you, do) yesterday?

5. When I arrived, they ………. (work).

6. When I came back home, my brothers ………. (play) video games.

7. Yesterday at six, Mother and Father ………. (prepare) dinner.

8. The children ………. (play) in the garden when it suddenly began to rain.

9. I ………. (practise) on the guitar when he arrived.

10. While Shubhous ………. (work) in his room, his friends ………. (swim) in the pool.

11. I didn’t like them because they always ………. (complain).

12. I ………. (complete) my assignment when the computer suddenly went off.

13. I ………. (listen) to the radio while my sister ………. (watch) TV.

14. We ………. (study) English yesterday at 4:00 p.m.

Worksheet 6:

F. Suppose you are Mayank. What were you and the members of your family doing at 6.00 p.m. yesterday? Using the clues, write the sentences in the past continuous tense.

1. My mother/read/a novel.

2. My father/watch/television. ^

3. My younger sister/play/in her room

4. My pet dog and I/play/in the garden.

5. The maid/prepare/food.

6. Grandmother/talk/on the phone.

7. Grandfather/take/a walk in the garden.

8. The cat/sleep/in the basket.

Worksheet 7:

G. Use the past perfect form of the verbs in the brackets to complete these sentences.

1. He ………. (write) three novels by the time he turned twenty-eight.

2. When I got home yesterday, my father already ………. (make) dinner.

3. you ………. (study) English before you moved to England?

4. I did not have any money because I ………. (lose) my wallet.

5. He ………. (not, inform) me about his accident.

6. ………. he ………. (appear) for the exam?

7. If we ………. (go) by taxi, we wouldn’t have been late.

8. she ………. (eat) dinner before she went to the cinema?

9. He ………. (not, finish) his work.

10. She ………. (not, buy) a new dress for the party.

Worksheet 8:

H. Fill in the blanks with the past simple or the past perfect form of the verbs given in the brackets.

When we ………. (arrive) at the station, the train ………. (leave). We ………. (look) everywhere for Sakshi but we ………. (locate) her when we heard someone cry, ‘Papa’. We ………. (look) around to see where the sound ………. (come) from. We ………. (not find) the source of the sound anywhere. Then suddenly, there was a loud and happy shout, and Sakshi ………. (Come) straight at us.

Worksheet 9:

I. Fill in the blanks with the past perfect continuous form of the verbs in the brackets.

1. She ………… (read) before you entered.

2. ………… it ………… (rain) continuously for hours?

3. We ………… (practise) tennis for an hour when it began to rain.

4. I ………… (study) English when Mr Naidu came to see me.

5. His knees and hands were very dirty. He ………… (play) in the garden.

6. I ………… (drive) the car for five years when I decided to sell it.

7. We were very tired. We ………… (travel) for about sixteen hours.

8. At the time I met him, he ………… (write) a book for some time.

9. He ………… (live) in Coimbatore for twenty years when he had an accident.

10. He ………… (repair) the mobile phone for an hour when you arrived.

11. He was tired because he ………… (watch) television all night.

12. Radha didn’t want to move. She ………… (live) in Kolkata all her life.

19. Gavaskar was a wonderful cricketer. He ………… (play) ever since he was a teenager.

14. They ………… (stay) with us since July of that year.

15. We ………… (paint) our house for two weeks, but we were still a long way off from finishing.

Worksheet 10:

J. Use since or for to fill in the blanks.

1. I have lived in Mumbai ………… three years.

2. Leila has been a Montessori teacher ………… 1999.

3. I have been teaching ………… a long time.

4. The kids have been on vacation ………… a fortnight.

5. What have you been doing ………… you left your last job?

6. The shop has been selling groceries ………… years.

7. He has known her ………… they were five years old.

8. We have not been on a vacation ………… last January.

Worksheet 11:

K. Correct the errors in these sentences.

1. Did they lived in Durban?

2. He didn’t spoke Chinese.

3. Did he went to Bhubaneswar?

4. When did you studied in that school?

5. We was hungry.

6. I goed to the beach.

7. They had not clean their room.

8. Did you ate my cake?

9. They didn’t went to the beach.

10. She had went to Kolkata for a few days.

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