Important dates

Admission Criteria. This also includes checking and verifying the address you have supplied and supporting information you have given us.

3 June 2024
​Applications are processed and assessed against the appropriate

Admission Criteria. This also includes checking and verifying the address you have supplied and supporting information you have given us.​

Primary school admissions dates

If your child was born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020
​​​​Step in the applic​ation process​
13 November 2023
​Application process for starting Reception in September 2024 begins.
8​ January 2024
​​Closing date for applications. After this date, you will need to complete a late application form.
​February to April 2024
​All applications are processed and assessed against the Admission Criteria. We will check and verify your address and any supporting information you have given us.
​16 April 2024
​Offer day. We will send you an email or a letter if you have asked for your offer to be sent by post. Decisions can also be given over the phone after 12pm on the offer day.
​April 2024​
​Waiting lists are established.
30 April 2024
​Closing date for you to accept or refuse the place we have offered. We reserve the right to withdraw offers that have not been responded to by this date. This is also the closing date for late applications.
​May 2024
​Second round (late) applications processed and assessed.
​June 2024
​Second round results sent out via post. All following rounds are processed ​on a monthly basis from now on.
​September 2024
​Children start primary school.

Secondary school admissions dates

​If your child was born between 1 September 2012 and 31 August 2013
​Date ​
​​​​​​​Step in the application process​ ​
​25 September 2023
​Application process for starting Year 7 in September 2024 begins.
​20 November 2023
​Closing date for applications. After this date, you will need to complete a late application form. ​
​December 2023 to February 2024
​All applications are processed and assessed agai​nst the Admission Criteria. We will check and verify your address and any supporting information you have given us.
​1 March 2024
​Offer day. We will send you an email or a letter if you have asked for your offer to be sent by post. Decisions can also be given over the phone after 12pm on the offer day.
​15 March 2024
​Closing date for you to accept or refuse the place we have offered. We reserve the right to withdraw offers that have not been responded to by this date. This is also the closing date for late applications.
March 2024
​Second round (late) applications processed and assessed.
​May 2024
​Second round results sent out via post. All following rounds are processed on a monthly basis from now on. Waiting List positions available.
​September 2024
​Children start secondary school.

​Late applications

It is important that you submit your application on time to improve ​​your chances of getting a place at the school you want.

If you have missed the deadline to apply for a school place, please complete a late application. Find out more about late applications​.